DetCharter Archive
2009-2012 Charter Revision Process and Drafting Phase Rules of Operation.
In May 2009, Detroit residents voted to revise the City Charter. To facilitate the revision, voters elected 9 commissioners to guide the process, which took place in 3 phases.
Charter Revision Commission Meeting Summaries
From January – May 2011 The Detroit Charter Revision Commission met a total of 34 times to draft what was to become your 2012 Detroit Charter and DetCharter was there to document every moment of the action.
DetCharter Blogs
Jackie and Alex worked very hard to stand as the unofficial non-biased source for Detroiters to learn about the City of Detroit Charter and revision process but every once in a while we had to make our voices heard about certain issues.
2009 – 2012 Detroit Charter Revision Commissioners
In May 2009, Detroit residents voted to revise the City Charter. To facilitate charter revision, voters elected 9 commissioners to guide the process.
Calendar of Events
Take a look at the Calendar that guided the 2011 Charter Revision process.
Commission Resources
As the drafting phase of the Charter revision process progressed the Commission released recommendations, proposals and reports.
Recommended Revisions
During the 2009-2011 Detroit Charter Revision process the Commission solicited recommendations from anyone willing to offer them. Many came from elected officials and other local government sources but many also originated from citizens that participated in the Charter Conventions hosted by the Commission.