The Detroit Charter and City Government
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Preamble and Declaration of Rights
Article 1. Establishment of City Government
- Sec. 1-101. City Government
- Sec. 1-102. General Powers
- Sec. 1-103. Liberal Construction
- Sec. 1-104. Boundaries
Article 2. General Provisions
- Sec. 2-101. Qualifications for Elective Officers and Appointive Officers
- Sec. 2-102. Term of Office
- Sec. 2-103. Oath of Office
- Sec. 2-104. Severability
- Sec. 2-105. Definitions and Rules of Construction
- Sec. 2-106 Ethics
- Sec. 2-106.1. Ethical Standards of Conduct
- Sec. 2-106.2. Disclosures
- Sec. 2-106.3. Lobbying Registration and Reporting
- Sec. 2-106.4. Gifts and Gratuities
- Sec. 2-106.5. One Year Post-Employment Prohibition.
- Sec. 2-106.6. Contracts Voidable and Rescindable
- Sec. 2-106.7. Campaign Activities Using City Property Or During Working Hours
- Sec. 2-106.8. Board of Ethics, Application, Appointment, Qualifications and Terms
- Sec. 2-106.9. Powers and Duties
- Sec. 2-106.10. Cooperation in Investigations; Obstruction
- Sec. 2-106.11. Violations and Penalties
- Sec. 2-106.12. Meetings
- Sec. 2-106.13. Funding
- Sec. 2-106.14. Campaign Finance Reports
- Sec. 2-107. Dismissal Proceedings
- Sec. 2-108. Pay Plans
- Sec. 2-109. Reimbursement
- Sec. 2-110. General Provisions for Multi-Member Bodies
- Sec. 2-111. Promulgation of Administrative Rules
- Sec. 2-112. Public Records
- Sec. 2-113. Prohibition Against Entering Into Contracts or Giving Position to Those in Default
Article 3. Elections
- Sec. 3-101. Department of Elections
- Sec. 3-102. Election Commission
- Sec. 3-103. Powers and Duties of Election Commission
- Sec. 3-104. Director and Deputy Director
- Sec. 3-105. City Elections and City Council Initiated Ballot Proposals
- Sec. 3-106. State Law to Apply
- Sec. 3-107. Elective Officers of the City
- Sec. 3-108. Geographical Basis for Electing Council Members
- Sec. 3-109. Nominating Petitions
- Sec. 3-110. Nominees
- Sec. 3-111. Residency Requirement for Elective Officers
Article 3.5. Office of the City Clerk
- Sec. 3.5-101. Office of City Clerk
- Sec. 3.5-102. Duties and Powers of City Clerk
- Sec. 3.5-103. Deputy City Clerk
- Sec. 3.5-104. Vacancy in Office of City Clerk
Article 4. The Legislative Branch
- Sec. 4-101. City Council
- Sec. 4-102. Meetings
- Sec. 4-103. Selection of Council President and President Pro-Tempore
- Sec. 4-104. Duties of the Council President
- Sec. 4-105. Rules and Journal
- Sec. 4-106. Standing Committee Structure
- Sec. 4-107. Quorum
- Sec. 4-108. Voting
- Sec. 4-109. Investigations
- Sec. 4-110. Investigative Powers
- Sec. 4-111. Confirmation Authority
- Sec. 4-112. Control of Property
- Sec. 4-113. Prohibition on Interference in Administration
- Sec. 4-114. Ordinances and Resolutions in General
- Sec. 4-115. Ordinance Procedure
- Sec. 4-116. Emergency Ordinances
- Sec. 4-117. Procedure for Approval or Veto by Mayor and City Council’s Override of Veto
- Sec. 4-118. Publication of Ordinances and Effective Date
- Sec. 4-119. Ordinances After Enactment and Resolutions After Adoption
- Sec. 4-120. Council Personnel
- Sec. 4-121. Special Counsel
- Sec. 4-122. Approval of Contracts and Disclosure
Chapter 2. Board of Zoning Appeals
- Sec. 4-201. Establishment of Board of Zoning Appeals
- Sec. 4-202. Board of Zoning Appeals Ordinance
Chapter 3. City Planning Commission
- Sec. 4-301. City Planning Commission
- Sec. 4-302. Powers and Duties
- Sec. 4-303. Staff Assistance
Article 5. The Executive Branch: The Mayor and General Provisions
- Sec. 5-101. Mayor
- Sec. 5-102. The Executive Branch
- Sec. 5-103. Mayoral Appointments
- Sec. 5-104. Other Mayoral Powers
- Sec. 5-105. Appointment of Deputies
- Sec. 5-106. Powers and Duties of Department Directors
- Sec. 5-107. Powers of a Departmental Deputy
- Sec. 5-108. Deputy Mayor
- Sec. 5-109. Succession to Office
- Sec. 5-110. Community Meetings
Article 6. The Executive Branch: Staff Departments
- Sec. 6-101. Budget Department
- Sec. 6-102. Powers and Duties
- Sec. 6-103. Management Audits
Chapter 2. Planning and Development Department
- Sec. 6-201. Planning and Development Department
- Sec. 6-202. Advance Planning
- Sec. 6-203. Current Planning
- Sec. 6-204. Definition
- Sec. 6-205. Public Hearings
- Sec. 6-301. Finance Department
- Sec. 6-302. Departmental Divisions
- Sec. 6-303. Accounts Division
- Sec. 6-304. Assessments Division
- Sec. 6-305. Treasury Division
- Sec. 6-306. Purchasing Division
- Sec. 6-307. Privatization of City Services
- Sec. 6-308. Debarment
Chapter 4. Human Resources Department
- Sec. 6-401. General Purpose
- Sec. 6-402. Human Resources Department
- Sec. 6-403. Human Resources Director and Deputy
- Sec. 6-404. Qualifications
- Sec. 6-405. Civil Service Commission
- Sec. 6-406. Non-Discrimination
- Sec. 6-407. Employee Organization
- Sec. 6-408. Labor Relations
- Sec. 6-409. Classification of Positions
- Sec. 6-410. Examinations
- Sec. 6-411. Validation
- Sec. 6-412. Recruitment and Advancement
- Sec. 6-413. Employee Grievances
- Sec. 6-414. Jurisdiction
- Sec. 6-415. Payrolls
- Sec. 6-416. Residence
- Sec. 6-417. Classified Service
- Sec. 6-418. Transfers and Promotions to Exempt Positions
- Sec. 6-419. Consolidation of Entities
Chapter 5. Buildings, Safety, Engineering and Environmental Department
- Sec. 6-501. Buildings, Safety Engineering and Environmental Department
- Sec. 6-502. General Purpose
- Sec. 6-503. Powers and Duties
- Sec. 6-504. Conservation
- Sec. 6-505. Environmental Legislation
- Sec. 6-506. Applications Filed Under Zoning Law
- Sec. 6-507. Duty Under Other Regulatory Laws
- Sec. 6-508. One-Stop Service
- Sec. 6-509. Green Initiatives and Technologies
Article 7. The Executive Branch: Programs, Services and Activities
- Sec. 7-101. Existing Programs, Services and Activities
- Sec. 7-102. Assignment of Authorized Function
- Sec. 7-103. Advisory Commissions
- Sec. 7-104. Change In Number of Authorized Functions
Chapter 2. Responsibilities in Health and Sanitation
- Sec. 7-201. Health
- Sec. 7-202. Sanitation
- Sec. 7-301. Department
- Sec. 7-401. Department
- Sec. 7-402. Sidewalk Maintenance
- Sec. 7-403. Recycling
- Sec. 7-501. Department
- Sec. 7-502. Fire Department Divisions
- Sec. 7-503. Duties
- Sec. 7-504. Fire Marshal
- Sec. 7-505. Advisory Commission
- Sec. 7-506. Promotions
- Sec. 7-601. Department
- Sec. 7-701. Department
- Sec. 7-702. Human Rights Commission
- Sec. 7-703. Budget
- Sec. 7-704. Duties
- Sec. 7-705. Powers
- Sec. 7-706. Appeals
- Sec. 7-707. Remedies Cumulative
- Sec. 7-801. Police Department
- Sec. 7-802. Board of Police Commissioners
- Sec. 7-803. Duties of the Board of Police Commissioners
- Sec. 7-804. Staff
- Sec. 7-805. Chief of Police
- Sec. 7-806. Duties of the Chief of Police
- Sec. 7-807. Discipline
- Sec. 7-808. Complaints
- Sec. 7-809. Resolution of Complaints
- Sec. 7-810. Division of Police Personnel
- Sec. 7-811. Deputy Director
- Sec. 7-812. Recruitment and Entry into Service
- Sec. 7-813. Powers and Duties
- Sec. 7-814. Promotions
- Sec. 7-815. Examinations
- Sec. 7-816. Employees
- Sec. 7-817. Police Officers Employed by Governmental and Educational Institutions
- Sec. 7-818. Police Reserves
- Sec. 7-901. Department
- Sec. 7-902. Qualifications
- Sec. 7-903. Commission
- Sec. 7-904. Powers and Duties
- Sec. 7-905. Limitations on Sale of Assets
- Sec. 7-1001. Department
- Sec. 7-1002. Advisory Commission
- Sec. 7-1101. Department
- Sec. 7-1102. Advisory Commission
- Sec. 7-1103. Intelligence Division
- Sec. 7-1104. Limitations
Chapter 12. Water and Sewerage
- Sec. 7-1201. Department
- Sec. 7-1202. Powers
- Sec. 7-1203. Limitation on Funds
- Sec. 7-1204. Limitation on Sale of Assets
- Sec. 7-1301. Department
- Sec. 7-1302. Commission
Chapter 14. Television Channels
- Sec. 7-1401. Cable Television Channels
- Sec. 7-1402. Executive Oversight, Operation and Management
- Sec. 7-1403. Channel Use
- Sec. 7-1404. Limitations
Article 7.5. Independent Departments and Offices
- Sec. 7.5-101. Auditor General
- Sec. 7.5-102. Deputy Auditor General
- Sec. 7.5-103. Term of Office
- Sec. 7.5-104. Employees
- Sec. 7.5-105. Powers and Duties
- Sec. 7.5-106. Limitations
- Sec. 7.5-201. Law Department
- Sec. 7.5-202. Qualifications
- Sec. 7.5-203. Civil Litigation
- Sec. 7.5-204. Penal Matters
- Sec. 7.5-205. Advice and Opinions
- Sec. 7.5-206. Form of Documents
- Sec. 7.5-207. Drafting
- Sec. 7.5-208. Intra-Government Dispute Resolution
- Sec. 7.5-209. Enforcement of Charter
- Sec. 7.5-210. Claim Reduction
- Sec. 7.5-211. Other Duties
Chapter 3. Office of Inspector General
- Sec. 7.5-301. Establishment
- Sec. 7.5-302. Appointment, Removal, Term of Office and Vacancy
- Sec. 7.5-303. Minimum Qualifications
- Sec. 7.5-304. Limitations; Prohibited Activities
- Sec. 7.5-305. Jurisdiction
- Sec. 7.5-306. Powers and Duties
- Sec. 7.5-307. Subpoena Powers
- Sec. 7.5-308. Duty to Report Illegal Acts
- Sec. 7.5-309. Employees
- Sec. 7.5-310. Cooperation in Investigations; Obstruction
- Sec. 7.5-311. Consultation Required
- Sec. 7.5-312. Conflict of Interest; Special Counsel
- Sec. 7.5-313. Confidentiality
- Sec. 7.5-314. Immunity
- Sec. 7.5-315. Retaliation Prohibited; Penalty
- Sec. 7.5-316. Funding
- Sec. 7.5-401. Ombudsperson
- Sec. 7.5-402. Term of Office
- Sec. 7.5-403. Vacancy
- Sec. 7.5-404. Salary
- Sec. 7.5-405. Staff
- Sec. 7.5-406. Definition
- Sec. 7.5-407. Jurisdiction
- Sec. 7.5-408. Powers of Investigation
- Sec. 7.5-409. Delegation of Powers
- Sec. 7.5-410. Correspondence From Person Detained
- Sec. 7.5-411. Consultation Required
- Sec. 7.5-412. Reports
- Sec. 7.5-413. Duty to Report Illegal Acts
- Sec. 7.5-414. Obstruction
- Sec. 7.5-415. Immunity
- Sec. 7.5-416. Limitations
- Sec. 7.5-417. Remedies Cumulative
Article 8. Planning and Financial Procedures
- Sec. 8-101. Comprehensive Plan
- Sec. 8-102. Periodic Review
- Sec. 8-103. Council Procedure
- Sec. 8-104. Purpose of the Plan
- Sec. 8-201. Fiscal Year
- Sec. 8-202. Capital Agenda
- Sec. 8-203. Annual Budget
- Sec. 8-204. Budget
- Sec. 8-205. Form of Appropriation
- Sec. 8-206. Public Hearing
- Sec. 8-207. Amendment Before Adoption
- Sec. 8-208. Budget Adoption
- Sec. 8-209. Effect of Budget Adoption
- Sec. 8-210. Amendments After Adoption
- Sec. 8-211. Transfer of Appropriations
- Sec. 8-212. Report of Budget Deficit
- Sec. 8-213. Revenue Estimating Conference
- Sec. 8-214. Proportional Funding for Oversight Agencies
Chapter 3. Administration of Budgets
- Sec. 8-301. Work Programs and Allotments
- Sec. 8-302. Limit on Obligations and Payments
- Sec. 8-303. Penalties for Violation
- Sec. 8-304. Obligations to be Met by Subsequent Appropriations
- Sec. 8-401. Power
- Sec. 8-402. Assessors’ Duties
- Sec. 8-403. Collection of Property Taxes
- Sec. 8-501. General Power
- Sec. 8-502. Limitations on Borrowing
- Sec. 8-503. Specific Kinds of Borrowing
- Sec. 8-504. Use of Borrowed Funds
- Sec. 8-505. Execution of Obligation
- Sec. 8-506. Tax Exempt
Chapter 6. Special Assessments
- Sec. 8-601. Power To Assess
- Sec. 8-602. Special Assessments to Finance Transit Facilities
- Sec. 8-603. Procedure Ordinance
- Sec. 8-604. Assessment Lien
- Sec. 8-605. Contest of Assessments
Article 9. Miscellaneous
Chapter 1. Community Advisory Councils
- Sec. 9-101. Definition and Purpose
- Sec. 9-102. Creation and Composition of Advisory Councils
- Sec. 9-103. Powers, Duties and Limitations
Chapter 2. Council of the Arts
- Sec. 9-201. Council of the Arts
Chapter 3. Regulatory Power and Review
- Sec. 9-301. Regulatory Power
- Sec. 9-302. Appellate Review
- Sec. 9-303. Limitations on a Franchise
- Sec. 9-304. Standard Provisions of a Public Utility Franchise
Chapter 4. Specific Responsibilities
- Sec. 9-401. Board of Review
- Sec. 9-402. Hospitals
- Sec. 9-403. Revision Question
- Sec. 9-404. Schools
- Sec. 9-405. Elimination of Redundancy in Government
- Sec. 9-501. Eminent Domain
- Sec. 9-502. Enabling Legislation
- Sec. 9-503. Historic Areas and Landmarks
- Sec. 9-504. Library
- Sec. 9-505. Penalties
- Sec. 9-506. Rents, Tolls, Excises and Taxes
- Sec. 9-507. Service Fees
- Sec. 9-508. Utilities
- Sec. 9-509. Parking Fines
- Sec. 9-510. Incentives for City-Based Businesses
Chapter 6. Retirees' Representation
- Sec. 9-601. Retirees’ Representation
- Sec. 9-701. Risk Management Council
- Sec. 9-702. Duties
Chapter 8. Insurance Assistance
- Sec. 9-801. City Sponsored Insurance Assistance
Article 10. Courts
- Sec. 10-101. Courts
Article 11. Retirement Plans
- Sec. 11-101. City’s Duties
- Sec. 11-102. Continuation of Existing Plans
- Sec. 11-103. Principles Applicable In Administering Plans
- Sec. 11-104. Information Required Before Benefit Increase
- Sec. 11-105. Audits
Article 12. Initiative and Referendum
- Sec. 12-101. Initiative and Referendum
- Sec. 12-102. Petitions
- Sec. 12-103. Time of Filing
- Sec. 12-104. Duties of the City Clerk
- Sec. 12-105. Insufficient Petitions
- Sec. 12-106. Suspension of Ordinance
- Sec. 12-107. Procedure
- Sec. 12-108. Submission to Voters
- Sec. 12-109. Amendment, Repeal and Re-Enactment
- Sec. 12-110. Submission by Council
- Sec. 12-111. Similar or Conflicting Measures
- Sec. 12-112. Repeal or Amendment of Ordinance in Effect
Article 13. Schedule
- Sec. 13-101. Effect on Existing City Legislation
- Sec. 13-102. Continuation of Public and Private Rights
- Sec. 13-103. Rights of Officers and Employees
- Sec. 13-104. Effective Date
- Sec. 13-105. Employees Benefit Plan
- Sec. 13-106. Condemnation
- Sec. 13-107. Fire and Police Pension Committees
- Sec. 13-108. Police Fund
- Sec. 13-109. Initial Appointments
- Sec. 13-110. General Provision
- Sec. 13-111. Submission of the Charter