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Commissioner Rose Mary Robinson

A 1972 graduate of Wayne State University Law School, Rose Mary Robinson has practiced criminal law in Detroit on trial and appellate levels for more than 36 years, and was the attorney for the Board of Tenant Affairs for Detroit Public Housing. She has been active in electoral politics since 1966, when she was elected precinct delegate, representing the Jeffries Projects. In 1968, she was elected delegate to the Democratic National Convention. In 1970, she was one of the first two women elected to the Wayne County Commission, and was re-elected to six terms in that office. She served as a member of the commission's Labor Committee, negotiating labor contracts and participating in grievance proceedings. During her twelve years as a county commissioner, Ms. Robinson served as chair of Juvenile Affairs for Wayne County and as a member of the county Anti-Crime Council. She developed programs to fight juvenile delinquency and worked to establish the Commission on Aging to help seniors in the areas of housing, health, nutrition and transportation.

Attorney Robinson has six children, and has lived in Detroit longer than 46 years.


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