Detroit Charter

The Detroit Charter and City Government

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Annotations By: Jacqueline Bejma

Sec. 6-101. Budget Department

The Budget Department is headed by the Budget Director.

Sec. 6-102. Powers and Duties

The budget department:

  • assists other city agencies in developing program and service objectives and financial planning to achieve those objectives;
  • obtains any information needed my the mayor to create a capital agenda and annual budget
  • The budget director (with assistance from the planning director) will assist the mayor in preparing the capital budget and agenda

The Budget Department shall assist other city agencies in the development of program and service objectives and in the conduct of financial planning to achieve those objectives.

The Budget Department shall obtain from city agencies all information required by the Mayor for the preparation of the capital agenda and the capital and annual budgets. That information shall be furnished in the manner prescribed by the Budget Director.

The Budget Director, with the assistance of the Planning and Development Director, shall assist the Mayor in the preparation of the capital agenda and the capital budget.

Sec. 6-103. Management Audits

The Budget Department shall conduct management audits which analyze and evaluate the operations of all agencies.

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