Detroit Charter

The Detroit Charter and City Government

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Annotations By: Jacqueline Bejma

Sec. 6-201. Planning and Development Department

The Planning and Development Department is headed by the Planning and Development Director.

In addition to the duties and functions in this chapter, the department shall:

  1. Establish a strategic plan that pursues, advocates and supports community development within the City, consistent with the Master Plan, including the creation and support of stable planned communities;
  2. Develop and implement a strategic plan to pursue and initiate programs, opportunities and create conditions supportive of global trade;
  3. Develop and implement a strategic plan to actively recruit businesses to the City and provide the support, assistance and conditions necessary to retain businesses; and
  4. Develop and implement a strategic plan and program focused on recruiting and supporting emerging industries.

The Department shall provide an annual report to City Council, on or before February 1, that incorporates the community and economic development strategies called for in this section, and which details the department’s actions, achievements and future plans in pursuit of these strategies and the duties and functions set forth herein. The report shall also identify the levels of funding necessary to pursue these strategies and achieve their objectives.

The Planning and Development Department is headed by the Planning and Development Director. In addition to the duties and functions in this chapter, the department shall:

  1. Establish a strategic plan that pursues, advocates and supports community development within the City, consistent with the Master Plan, including the creation and support of stable planned communities;
  2. Develop and implement a strategic plan to pursue and initiate programs, opportunities and create conditions supportive of global trade;
  3. Develop and implement a strategic plan to actively recruit businesses to the City and provide the support, assistance and conditions necessary to retain businesses; and
  4. Develop and implement a strategic plan and program focused on recruiting and supporting emerging industries.

The Department shall provide an annual report to City Council, on or before February 1, that incorporates the community and economic development strategies called for in this section, and which details the department’s actions, achievements and future plans in pursuit of these strategies and the duties and functions set forth herein. The report shall also identify the levels of funding necessary to pursue these strategies and achieve their objectives.

Sec. 6-202. Advance Planning

The Planning and Development Department shall obtain all information and conduct all studies required by the Mayor and the heads of agencies in the preparation of proposals relative to development matters.

Sec. 6-203. Current Planning

The planning department:

  1. Will have continuing liaison with all agencies of the executive branch
  2. May assign any study to any relevant agency
  3. Receive all reports concerning development matters

Any agency may undertake a study with the knowledge and consent of the planning director

The planning director will evaluate all reports and information received within the framework of city policies and programs, the priorities of the mayor and the City master plan

The Planning and Development Department shall have continuing liaison with all agencies of the executive branch. It may assign any relevant study to any agency. Any agency, with knowledge and consent of the Planning and Development Director, may undertake the study of any development matter within the scope of its duties. The Planning and Development Department shall receive all reports concerning development matters and other information which it requests. The Planning and Development Director shall, with the head of any agency involved, evaluate all reports and information received by the Planning and Development Department in light of the policies, programs and priorities of the Mayor, and the master plan.

Sec. 6-204. Definition

“Development matters” refers to the master plan for social, economic and physical development and conservation; the capital agenda and budget; any development renewal project on or affecting public real property or public interest in real property; proposed ordinances for the regulation of development; proposal for demolition, disposition of relinquishment of real public real property

The term “development matters” as used in the Charter includes: The master plan for social, economic and physical development and conservation; the annual capital agenda and capital budget; any development or renewal project on or affecting public real property or public interests in real property or requiring public assistance; proposed ordinances for the regulation of development or conservation; proposals for the demolition, disposition or relinquishment of, or encroachment upon, public real property or public interests in real property; and any other items added by ordinance.

Sec. 6-205. Public Hearings

All residents residing in an area likely to be affected by a development matter will have full opportunity for public hearings to present facts and arguments relative to the proposal

The planning department will explicitly inform community organizations of public meetings

State that the planning department will assist CDCs, or other like organizations with referral or technical assistance

The people of the City of Detroit living in areas likely to be affected by proposals resulting from any study undertaken by the Planning and Development Department or an agency under sections 6-202 or 6-203 shall be given full opportunity in public hearings to present facts and arguments relative to the subject under study. The department is required to provide notification of the hearing to any Citizen District Council, Citizen Advisory Council or Community Development Corporation impacted by proposals contained in the study.

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