The Detroit Charter and City Government
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Annotations By: Jacqueline Bejma
Sec. 7-501. Department
The Fire Department is headed by the Fire Commissioner.
The Fire Commissioner and the Deputy Fire Commissioner shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure the Mayor.
Sec. 7-502. Fire Department Divisions
The fire commissioner will appoint a chief of the fire department, with the approval of the mayor
The chief will be selection from the board of fire chiefs and will serve as director of operations for the fire fighting division
2 deputy fire chiefs will be appointed by the fire commissioner
The fire commissioner will appoint a fire marshal
Subject to the approval of the Mayor, the Fire Commissioner shall appoint a Chief of the Fire Department from the Board of Fire Chiefs of the Fire Fighting Division. The Chief serves at the pleasure of the Fire Commissioner.
The Chief shall serve as the Director of Operations for the Fire Fighting Division.
Two (2) Deputy Fire Chiefs shall be appointed by the Fire Commissioner from the ranks of the Assistant Chiefs and serve at the pleasure of the Fire Commissioner.
A Fire Marshal shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Fire Commissioner.
Sec. 7-503. Duties
The fire department shall protect life and property from fire and enforce all laws, ordinances, and regulations relating to fire prevention and safety within the city
The Fire Department shall protect life and property from fire and other dangerous conditions requiring their expertise and, as required by Charter or ordinance, enforce all laws, ordinances and regulations relating to fire prevention and safety within the City of Detroit.
Sec. 7-504. Fire Marshal
The fire marshal will investigate the origin of all fires that result in a loss of property
The fire marshal will inspect all buildings as necessary to enforce fire protection ordinances
The Fire Marshal shall inquire into the origin of all fires resulting in property loss and shall make a written report concerning every such fire to the Fire Commissioner, the Chief of Police, the Wayne County prosecuting attorney, the Detroit Board of Underwriters and any person legitimately interested in the matter.
The Fire Marshal shall also make such inspection of buildings and other places as is necessary for enforcement of the fire prevention ordinances of the City.
Sec. 7-505. Advisory Commission
A 7 member advisory commission may be appointed by the mayor to advise on matters relating to the fire department
The Fire Advisory Commission will have 7 members, 4 appointed by the mayor and 3 appointed by the mayor from a list of candidates submitted by city council
Members will serve 3 year terms
Members should have experience in fire fighting, fire prevention, emergency medical response, homeland security, emergency crisis management, financial management, policy making and/or public administration
All meetings of the Fire Advisory Commission are subject to the Open Meetings Act
A seven (7) member advisory commission may be appointed by the Mayor. Four (4) members shall be appointed by the Mayor and three (3) shall be appointed by the Mayor from a list of four (4) names submitted by the City Council. Commissioners shall serve staggered three (3) year terms and shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor. The Mayor shall make every effort to appoint persons with a minimum of five (5) years experience in one or more of the following areas: fire fighting, fire prevention, emergency medical response, homeland security, emergency crisis management, financial management, policy making and/or public administration. All meetings shall be public and held in compliance with applicable laws. Commissioners shall be residents of the City of Detroit.
Sec. 7-506. Promotions
The fire commissioner will make all promotions within the classified service of the department
Employees with seniority will advance to fill the next highest vacant position
Promotions to positions of sergeant and above are determined by seniority, ability, skill, knowledge, experience and training
- The Fire Commissioner shall make all promotions to non-supervisory positions within the classified service of the Department. The employee having served in the longest period in any position shall be advanced to fill any vacancy in the next highest position, if that person has, in the judgment of the Fire Commissioner, the qualifications for the higher position. Qualifications shall be reasonable and non-competitive.
- Promotions within the classified service of the Department to the supervisory positions of sergeant and above shall be determined by qualifications based on length of service in the next lower position and reasonable and objective evaluation of such factors as ability, skill, experience, knowledge and training.