Redundancy Report Issued
Issue Brief
The 2012 City Charter requires the three main governmental agencies: Mayor’s office, City Council and City Clerk to make every effort possible to streamline government and eliminate duplication of services in order to increase government efficiency and lower costs.
The Charter also states that every effort should be made to “realign service delivery systems and eliminate operational duplication and inefficiency, which may include cooperative agreements with other government entities as allowed by law.”
The Mayor, City Clerk and City Council must conduct a comprehensive self-evaluation of programs, services, activities, policies and operations in order to identify and eliminate any redundancy. This “Report on Elimination of Redundancy” must be initiated by June 30, 2012 and completed and presented to the public in April 2013.
Departments Involved
City Council
City Clerk
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Charter Language
Sec. 9-405. Elimination of Redundancy in Government.
Every effort shall be made by city elective officers, employees, and branches and units of government to reduce duplication of efforts and increase and maintain efficiency in the operations of city government.
Within one hundred eighty (180) days of the effective date of this Charter, the
Executive and Legislative branches, and City Clerk shall conduct a comprehensive evaluation of its programs, services, activities, policies and operations to identify and eliminate any redundancy. Thereafter, the evaluations shall be made within the first quarter of the year following the regular city general election. Each evaluation shall result in a compiled report of the City of Detroit entitled “Report on Elimination of Redundancy”, which, at a minimum, outlines the efforts and means taken to identify redundancy, makes findings on redundancy and details methods implemented to eliminate, reduce or avoid redundancy. The report shall be published and presented to City Council and the Auditor General in April of the year of its completion.
As much as practicable attempts shall be made to realign service delivery systems and eliminate operational duplication and inefficiency, which may include cooperative agreements with other government entities as allowed by law.
DetCharter Resources
Government Accountability Office Redundancy Report, March 2011
Government Privatization of Services, Cornell University, 2011
User Generated Resources
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